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Thursday Daily Wrap – EBTV (2014) (Video)

Hooray - the 2014 RACV Energy Breakthrough has finally started!! On our first day, teams completed their Presentations, Judging and Scrutineering before the the day wrapped up with a two hour practice session on the Holden Track for the Primary HPV teams under drizzly skies.

By |November 20th, 2014|Daily Wrap, Generally Newsworthy|1 Comment

2014 Contenders and Challengers

Let's take a look at some of the likely - and maybe not so likely - contenders lining up for this weekend's 24th edition of the RACV Energy Breakthrough. "When I arrived at the Energy Breakthrough back in 2000, the talk was all about Wonthaggi vs Kurnai for the win. But come Sunday, it was Bendigo Senior and De La Salle racing down to the wire... and it was only decided in the last 20 minutes. They both came outta no where. Will your team be the one that 'breaks through' (sorry, bad pun) from the pack?"

By |November 17th, 2014|Story|Comments Off on 2014 Contenders and Challengers

2014 Event Schedule

With just 7 days to go, (yes, only a week!) it’s time to start getting serious! The RACV Energy Breakthrough team have been working extensively over the past few weeks to attempt to bring you our best event yet, and today we bring you our 2014 Event Schedule. Along with the Information Kits, this schedule is essential for all team managers, teachers, parents and students to have a copy of to ensure the smooth running of the event.

By |November 13th, 2014|Generally Newsworthy, Newsletter|Comments Off on 2014 Event Schedule

St Margaret’s School HPV – ten years in the making: Interview with Terry Trevena

Human Powered Vehicles at St Margaret's School turns 10 this year. It might seem like they've been part of the field forever. Over that ten years they've won 65 categories, fostered 180 riders and built a groundswell of support from parents and ex-students who have kept the show on the road. Sure, many other schools have been involved for longer (Bairnsdale Primary School and Maryborough Education Centre have actually been to ALL 24 Energy Breakthroughs), but at this important milestone we felt it was worth looking a little closer at the man who has been at the helm, Terry Trevena.

By |November 12th, 2014|Interview, Story|Comments Off on St Margaret’s School HPV – ten years in the making: Interview with Terry Trevena

Energy Expo: Good Food, Great Coffee, Interactive Exhibits & your chance to test ride an eBike for free

Test ride an electric bike (or eBike as they are more commonly referred) for free at this years RACV Energy Breakthrough Energy Expo along with 18 other expo exhibitors, including food and beverage, activities and some REALLY good coffee. A great idea to keep the whole family entertained whilst you're busy on track!

By |November 11th, 2014|Generally Newsworthy, Sponsors|Comments Off on Energy Expo: Good Food, Great Coffee, Interactive Exhibits & your chance to test ride an eBike for free

2014 Information Kits are Here!

The 2014 Info Kits are now available online for download! The info kit is the everything guide to almost everything! This includes schedules, team names, maps and all kinds of fancy stuff! It's essential that all teams, parents, students and staff have a copy of the info kit to help us make the event run smooth.

By |November 5th, 2014|Entries, Generally Newsworthy, Team Manager Info|Comments Off on 2014 Information Kits are Here!

RACV Energy Breakthrough wins back-to-back tourism awards

The RACV Energy Breakthrough has been named for the second year in a row, the Best Festival or Event at this year’s Victorian Tourism Awards held in Melbourne on Monday night.

By |October 28th, 2014|Generally Newsworthy|Comments Off on RACV Energy Breakthrough wins back-to-back tourism awards

Reef Rode RAGE Record Breaking Return!

Last month the determined Reef Rode RAFE (Ride Against Greenhouse Emissions) team arrived home from their successful 4,000km journey from Ballarat to Port Douglas. Along the way they raised funds and awareness of the need to protect Australia's Great Barrier Reef and broke the lap record at the RACQ Technology Challenge in Maryborough, Queensland.

By |October 23rd, 2014|Generally Newsworthy, Story|Comments Off on Reef Rode RAGE Record Breaking Return!

Progress Report – Cobden Tech School – Terms 2 and 3, 2014

Catch-up on the latest progress from the Energy Efficient Vehicles crew at Cobden Technical School with this update from Team Manager, Chris Brooks, and his students. This year Cobden Technical School are sharing their journey in preparation for the 2014 RACV Energy Breakthrough. Through these progress reports at the end of each term, you’ll be able to find out what the students and teachers have been up to, what’s gone well, what’s not gone so well and what they’re looking forward to in the term ahead. We’ve put this together to showcase some of the schools involved, and to promote how they successfully operate and manage their Energy Breakthrough teams.

By |October 16th, 2014|Generally Newsworthy, Progress Report|Comments Off on Progress Report – Cobden Tech School – Terms 2 and 3, 2014

Event Report: Casey Fields, Round 3 (2014)

With near perfect racing conditions with light winds and sunshine the 96 teams that took to the track at Casey Fields on Saturday for Round 3 of the Victorian HPV Series, were up for a fun filled and fast paced 6 hours ahead of them.

By |October 15th, 2014|Casey, Event Report, Victorian HPV Series|Comments Off on Event Report: Casey Fields, Round 3 (2014)

Progress Report – Jells Park Primary – Term 3, 2014

To continue our series of 2014 Progress Reports, Team Manager Scott Zachariassen and the students at Jells Park Primary School check in on what has been a busy throughout Term 3 and a VERY busy Term 4.

By |October 9th, 2014|Generally Newsworthy, Progress Report|Comments Off on Progress Report – Jells Park Primary – Term 3, 2014

Will you join our 2014 volunteer crew?

We're calling on you to join our team of over 700 volunteers to help make the RACV Energy Breakthrough one of Australia's and award winning premier education, science and technology events. We need people with muscles who can help us set up, people who can plan or administrate, people who can marshal, people who have ‘people skills’ and people who love to entertain.

By |September 30th, 2014|Generally Newsworthy, Volunteer|Comments Off on Will you join our 2014 volunteer crew?

Recommended viewing: Nicholas Stern: The state of the climate — and what we might do about it (video)

This week, the United Nations has been meeting in New York for its Climate Summit, enlisting the world to work together on a problem that’s too big for any one country to solve. We think this talk by Nicholas Stern is recommended watching for secondary students of the RACV Energy Breakthrough on the current state of the climate and what we might do about it. (It might help to prepare them for the Display & Presentation component too).

By |September 26th, 2014|Generally Newsworthy|Comments Off on Recommended viewing: Nicholas Stern: The state of the climate — and what we might do about it (video)

Race Photo Gallery: Australian International Pedal Prix (2014)

It was another massive weekend in Murray Bridge, South Australia for the 2014 Australian International Pedal Prix. There were plenty of thrills, spills and great racing amongst the 200-plus vehicles on track. Thanks to our super photo team of Nathan Boon and Katie Harris. We hope that through the 180 images in this photo gallery, you will gain some new ideas for your vehicles, capture some of the colour from the event and maybe spot a few current or past students from your school too.

By |September 24th, 2014|Australian HPV Super Series (Pedal Prix), Event Report, Generally Newsworthy, Other events, Photos|Comments Off on Race Photo Gallery: Australian International Pedal Prix (2014)

When distance is no barrier: Reef Rode RAGE team are riding from Ballarat to Port Douglas

Beginning this weekend the team from Reef Rode RAGE embark on a 3,996km, 10-day mission to pedal their energy efficient vehicle (EEV) from Ballarat to the Great Barrier Reef and Port Douglas. They're also taking on the RACV Energy Breakthrough's sister event in Maryborough, Queensland - the RACQ Technology Challenge on September 13 - 14. Why are they called 'R.A.G.E'? Ride Against Greenhouse Emissions. Last week, RACV Energy Breakthrough reporter Katie Harris, spoke with Team Manager, Tony Davidson, to find out about Reef Rode RAGE and their adventure.

By |September 8th, 2014|Generally Newsworthy, Interview|Comments Off on When distance is no barrier: Reef Rode RAGE team are riding from Ballarat to Port Douglas

Event Report: Bendigo EEV/HPV Grand Prix (2014)

The recent inaugural 10-hour Bendigo EEV/HPV Grand Prix - held at the Bendigo Livestock Exchange - could well feature in many school's 2015 racing calendars. With relatively fine yet cool and dry conditions for most of the race with a slight shower in the early evening, 33 teams across 6 categories took to the track for the new race. This event has stepped up from a previous October warm-up event held in Bendigo.

By |September 1st, 2014|Bendigo, Event Report|Comments Off on Event Report: Bendigo EEV/HPV Grand Prix (2014)

Event Report: RAC Pedal Prix Busselton, WA

A very small crew of excited and dedicated Victorians ventured over to the Western side of Australia for the very first pedal prix race held at the Busselton track this weekend just past.

By |August 22nd, 2014|Australian HPV Super Series (Pedal Prix), Event Report|Comments Off on Event Report: RAC Pedal Prix Busselton, WA

Eight Human Powered Vehicles play Ice Hockey (Video)

Sometimes the human powered vehicles schools build for the RACV Energy Breakthrough are sleek and light - but fragile. That’s okay, after all they are built for the challenge we set: to complete the most laps in 24 hours. But what if there was a human powered vehicle that could present a viable personal transport option?

To explore this notion, the Trisled team took eight of their Rotovelo Velomobiles to the Medibank Icehouse for a one-of-a-kind Ice Hockey Match.

By |August 6th, 2014|Generally Newsworthy, Story|Comments Off on Eight Human Powered Vehicles play Ice Hockey (Video)
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