Cast your eyes over the Entry List for this year’s RACV Energy Breakthrough.
These schools and their communities are taking on the challenge of designing, constructing a machine that represents an ‘Energy Breakthrough’.
Team Managers are encouraged to log-in to the Team Manager Centre to edit their team names or modify any details on their entry. (For more info on how to do this, download our ‘Step-by-Step Guide to our Online Entry System’.)
Teams on the Waiting List will be kept informed of their place by the Planning Committee.
Jump to view a category:
- Energy Efficient Vehicles (EEVs)
- Human Powered Vehicles (HPVs) – Primary
- Human Powered Vehicles (HPVs) – Secondary
- Innovations In Technology
- Pushcarts
- Try-athlon
- Waiting List
Entry List Notes:
- Where appropriate, team numbers indicate pit numbers.
- Team numbers with a “3” prefix indicate where a school has three teams which will share two pit spaces. eg Team “310” shares pit space #10 with team 10.
- Rossbourne School is granted an exemption by the RACV Energy Breakthrough Planning Committee to enter three Try-athlon Open teams.
- St Margarets School and Berwick Grammar School are two separate, independent schools that participate in the RACV Energy Breakthrough through a co-operative program.
‘1’ AND event_id=’5′ AND wait_listed = ‘0’ ORDER BY org_name, team_number”);
echo “
Energy Efficient Vehicles (EEVs) (Secondary)
echo “
echo “
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result11))
echo “
echo “
No. | Organisation Name | Team Name | Class |
“; echo $row [‘team_number’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘org_name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘Team_Name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘class_name’]; echo “ |
$result12 = mysql_query(“SELECT pd.allocated_pit AS team_number, o.org_name, t.team_name AS Team_Name, cat.cat_name, cl.class_name FROM team_reg tr LEFT JOIN teams t on t.team_id = tr.team_id LEFT JOIN team_man tm on tm.tm_id = t.man_id LEFT JOIN organisations o on o.org_id = tm.org_id LEFT JOIN team_class tc on tc.tr_id = tr.tr_id LEFT JOIN classes cl on cl.class_id = tc.class_id LEFT JOIN categories cat on cat.cat_id = cl.cat_id LEFT JOIN pit_details pd on pd.team_id = tr.team_id WHERE cat_name = ‘Human Powered Vehicle (Primary)’ AND tc.class_id>’1′ AND event_id=’5′ AND wait_listed = ‘0’ ORDER BY org_name, team_number”);
echo “
Human Powered Vehicle (Primary)
echo “
echo “
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result12))
echo “
echo “
No. | Organisation Name | Team Name | Class |
“; echo $row[‘team_number’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘org_name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘Team_Name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘class_name’]; echo “ |
$result13 = mysql_query(“SELECT pd.allocated_pit AS team_number, o.org_name, t.team_name AS Team_Name, cat.cat_name, cl.class_name FROM team_reg tr LEFT JOIN teams t on t.team_id = tr.team_id LEFT JOIN team_man tm on tm.tm_id = t.man_id LEFT JOIN organisations o on o.org_id = tm.org_id LEFT JOIN team_class tc on tc.tr_id = tr.tr_id LEFT JOIN classes cl on cl.class_id = tc.class_id LEFT JOIN categories cat on cat.cat_id = cl.cat_id LEFT JOIN pit_details pd on pd.team_id = tr.team_id WHERE cat_name = ‘Human Powered Vehicle (Secondary)’ AND tc.class_id>’1′ AND event_id=’5′ AND wait_listed = ‘0’ ORDER BY org_name, team_number”);
echo “
Human Powered Vehicle (Secondary)
echo “
echo “
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result13))
echo “
echo “
No. | Organisation Name | Team Name | Class |
“; echo $row[‘team_number’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘org_name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘Team_Name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘class_name’]; echo “ |
$result14 = mysql_query(“SELECT pd.allocated_pit AS team_number, o.org_name, t.team_name AS Team_Name, cat.cat_name, cl.class_name FROM team_reg tr LEFT JOIN teams t on t.team_id = tr.team_id LEFT JOIN team_man tm on tm.tm_id = t.man_id LEFT JOIN organisations o on o.org_id = tm.org_id LEFT JOIN team_class tc on tc.tr_id = tr.tr_id LEFT JOIN classes cl on cl.class_id = tc.class_id LEFT JOIN categories cat on cat.cat_id = cl.cat_id LEFT JOIN pit_details pd on pd.team_id = tr.team_id WHERE cat_name = ‘Innovations in Technology’ AND tc.class_id>=’1′ AND event_id=’5′ AND wait_listed = ‘0’ ORDER BY org_name, team_number”);
echo “
Innovations in Technology
echo “
echo “
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result14))
echo “
echo “
No. | Organisation Name | Team Name | Class |
“; echo $row[‘team_number’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘org_name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘Team_Name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘class_name’]; echo “ |
$result15 = mysql_query(“SELECT pd.allocated_pit AS team_number, o.org_name, t.team_name AS Team_Name, cat.cat_name, cl.class_name FROM team_reg tr LEFT JOIN teams t on t.team_id = tr.team_id LEFT JOIN team_man tm on tm.tm_id = t.man_id LEFT JOIN organisations o on o.org_id = tm.org_id LEFT JOIN team_class tc on tc.tr_id = tr.tr_id LEFT JOIN classes cl on cl.class_id = tc.class_id LEFT JOIN categories cat on cat.cat_id = cl.cat_id LEFT JOIN pit_details pd on pd.team_id = tr.team_id WHERE cat_name = ‘Pushcart’ AND tc.class_id>’1′ AND event_id=’5′ AND wait_listed = ‘0’ ORDER BY org_name, team_number”);
echo “
echo “
echo “
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result15))
echo “
echo “
Organisation Name | Team Name | Class |
“; echo $row[‘org_name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘Team_Name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘class_name’]; echo “ |
$result16 = mysql_query(“SELECT pd.allocated_pit AS team_number, o.org_name, t.team_name AS Team_Name, cat.cat_name, cl.class_name FROM team_reg tr LEFT JOIN teams t on t.team_id = tr.team_id LEFT JOIN team_man tm on tm.tm_id = t.man_id LEFT JOIN organisations o on o.org_id = tm.org_id LEFT JOIN team_class tc on tc.tr_id = tr.tr_id LEFT JOIN classes cl on cl.class_id = tc.class_id LEFT JOIN categories cat on cat.cat_id = cl.cat_id LEFT JOIN pit_details pd on pd.team_id = tr.team_id WHERE cat_name = ‘Try-athlon’ AND tc.class_id>’1′ AND event_id=’5′ AND wait_listed = ‘0’ ORDER BY org_name, team_number”);
echo “
echo “
echo “
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result16))
echo “
echo “
No. | Organisation Name | Team Name | Class |
“; echo $row[‘team_number’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘org_name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘Team_Name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘class_name’]; echo “ |
$result17 = mysql_query(“SELECT pd.allocated_pit AS team_number, o.org_name, t.team_name AS Team_Name, cat.cat_name, cl.class_name FROM team_reg tr LEFT JOIN teams t on t.team_id = tr.team_id LEFT JOIN team_man tm on tm.tm_id = t.man_id LEFT JOIN organisations o on o.org_id = tm.org_id LEFT JOIN team_class tc on tc.tr_id = tr.tr_id LEFT JOIN classes cl on cl.class_id = tc.class_id LEFT JOIN categories cat on cat.cat_id = cl.cat_id LEFT JOIN pit_details pd on pd.team_id = tr.team_id AND tc.class_id>’1′ WHERE event_id=’5′ AND wait_listed = ‘1’ ORDER BY org_name”);
echo “
Waiting List
The Waiting List below is sorted alphabetically by school name and is not indicative of place on the Waiting List. The Energy Breakthrough team will keep Team Managers informed as to options for participation.
echo “
echo “
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result17))
echo “
echo “
Organisation Name | Team Name | Category | Class |
“; echo $row[‘org_name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘Team_Name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘cat_name’]; echo “ |
“; echo $row[‘class_name’]; echo “ |