
Generally Newsworthy

When distance is no barrier: Reef Rode RAGE team are riding from Ballarat to Port Douglas

Beginning this weekend the team from Reef Rode RAGE embark on a 3,996km, 10-day mission to pedal their energy efficient vehicle (EEV) from Ballarat to the Great Barrier Reef and Port Douglas. They're also taking on the RACV Energy Breakthrough's sister event in Maryborough, Queensland - the RACQ Technology Challenge on September 13 - 14. Why are they called 'R.A.G.E'? Ride Against Greenhouse Emissions. Last week, RACV Energy Breakthrough reporter Katie Harris, spoke with Team Manager, Tony Davidson, to find out about Reef Rode RAGE and their adventure.

By |2016-12-19T14:21:33+11:00September 8th, 2014|Generally Newsworthy, Interview|Comments Off on When distance is no barrier: Reef Rode RAGE team are riding from Ballarat to Port Douglas

Eight Human Powered Vehicles play Ice Hockey (Video)

Sometimes the human powered vehicles schools build for the RACV Energy Breakthrough are sleek and light - but fragile. That’s okay, after all they are built for the challenge we set: to complete the most laps in 24 hours. But what if there was a human powered vehicle that could present a viable personal transport option?

To explore this notion, the Trisled team took eight of their Rotovelo Velomobiles to the Medibank Icehouse for a one-of-a-kind Ice Hockey Match.

By |2016-12-19T14:21:33+11:00August 6th, 2014|Generally Newsworthy, Story|Comments Off on Eight Human Powered Vehicles play Ice Hockey (Video)

Event Report: Knox Grand Prix 2014

Did you miss the Bridge Builders 2014 Knox Grand Prix? We didn’t. We were trackside to check out the new course and to see how the teams are fairing as we start of term two of the school year. A field of 50 human and hybrid powered teams took to the new short and twisting 700m track at the State Basketball Stadium in Wantirna South for the six hour event. Read the full report online today.

By |2016-12-19T14:21:33+11:00April 28th, 2014|Event Report, Generally Newsworthy, Knox, Victorian HPV Series|Comments Off on Event Report: Knox Grand Prix 2014

Preparing for the 2014 Energy Breakthrough

This year, four schools - Cobden Technical School, Jells Park Primary, Maryborough Education Centre and Seymour College - are sharing their journey in preparation for the 2014 RACV Energy Breakthrough. Through four progress reports at the end of each term, you'll be able to find out what the students and teachers have been up to, what's gone well, what's not gone so well and what they're looking forward to in the term ahead.

By |2020-12-04T16:40:57+11:00April 23rd, 2014|Generally Newsworthy, Progress Report|Comments Off on Preparing for the 2014 Energy Breakthrough

Registrations Are Now Open for the 2014 Holden Mentor Program

The team at Holden is again offering mentors to primary schools with a human powered vehicle entry in this year’s RACV Energy Breakthrough. The Program is an incredible opportunity for schools to develop a mentorship with an industry leader and will greatly help teams prepare for the event, particularly the Design & Construction and Display & Presentation components.

By |2016-12-19T14:21:34+11:00March 12th, 2014|Generally Newsworthy, Team Manager Info|Comments Off on Registrations Are Now Open for the 2014 Holden Mentor Program

Energy Breakthrough wins Bronze at Australian Tourism Awards

The RACV Energy Breakthrough has won Bronze at the Qantas Australian Tourism Awards in the Festival and Events category during a gala ceremony at Luna Park in Sydney last Friday night. For the team behind the Energy Breakthrough, it’s further confirmation that this unique event is having huge tourism impacts beyond the core educational foundations upon which it is built. The event provides provides a major boost to the region’s economy each year.

By |2016-12-19T14:21:34+11:00February 14th, 2014|Generally Newsworthy|Comments Off on Energy Breakthrough wins Bronze at Australian Tourism Awards

Energy Breakthrough’s Weigh Station: Did we beat last years record?

The 2013 RACV Energy breakthrough saw the team consisting of Gerard Delarue and Emily Westmoreland take the challenge to yet again weigh every HPV to compete in the breakthrough. The idea was put to the table in 2013 in the hope that by weighing the vehicles, teams will obtain an appreciation and understanding of the importance of weight saving in endurance racing.

By |2016-12-19T14:21:34+11:00December 6th, 2013|Generally Newsworthy, Results, Story|2 Comments

Results are now available and we’d love your feedback!

Final Results now available We’ve double and triple che [...]

By |2016-12-19T14:21:34+11:00December 2nd, 2013|Event Report, Generally Newsworthy, Results, Team Manager Info|Comments Off on Results are now available and we’d love your feedback!
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