

Apply today for a Transurban Mentor!

Leading a team through the Energy Breakthrough can be richly rewarding and demanding – so it can be wonderful to have support from outside of your school to help give advice and extra input. Our Energy Breakthrough Mentor Program promises to offer up to 20 interested schools that support. Team Managers should complete an Expression of Interest form today!

By |2020-05-05T10:47:22+10:00May 5th, 2020|Assistance, Generally Newsworthy, Preparation, Team Manager Info|Comments Off on Apply today for a Transurban Mentor!

Does your school want a mentor? Apply today!

Leading a team through the Energy Breakthrough can be richly rewarding and demanding – so it can be wonderful to have support from outside of your school to help give advice and extra input. Our Energy Breakthrough Mentor Program - set to re-launch in Term 3 this year - promises to offer up to 20 interested schools that support. Team Managers should complete an Expression of Interest form today!

By |2019-06-18T14:46:37+10:00June 18th, 2019|Assistance, Generally Newsworthy, Preparation, Team Manager Info|Comments Off on Does your school want a mentor? Apply today!
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