Thursday the 19th of November 2015 has been declared a day of Total Fire Ban. The RACV Energy Breakthrough have created a set of rules which must be followed.
BBQ’s for cooking that use only gas or electricity are not permitted within the Energy Breakthrough camping areas during total fire ban days.
BBQ’s can be used:
- Within 10 metres of a permanent, fixed building
- An adult must be in attendance at all times and a minimum
of 1 bucket full of water must be located next to each BBQ.
- The area is cleared of flammable materials for 3 metres
such as dry grass.
- The wind is not more than 10 kmph (this can be observed if leaves and small twigs are in constant motion)
This means cooking is permitted with BBQ’s within 10 metres of:
Princes Park:
- Grandstand
- Band Rotunda
- Netball Toilets/Change Rooms
Hockey Field:
- CFA Tower (HOLDEN Track)
- Hockey Pavilion
Jubilee Oval:
- Club Rooms
This information can also be downloaded in PDF format.