We’ve compiled a national 2024 HPV and EEV events calendar to help demonstrate the breadth and depth of interest in human powered and energy efficient vehicles across Australia.
These include events in Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia.
We at the Energy Breakthrough see these ‘other events’ as great learning and capacity building opportunities – especially for young people – but for designers, builders, riders, race officials, volunteers and more.
These different events can help teachers and students look at the endeavour of the Energy Breakthrough on a broader and bigger scale. Some students may wish to travel interstate, others may wish to continue after they finish school.
From the past to the present, school teams from the Energy Breakthrough have travelled across Victoria and interstate to South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia to compete against other schools and to enjoy different experiences.
In fact, the Energy Breakthrough has it’s origins thanks in part to the Australian International Pedal Prix event held in Murray Bridge each September. In 1989 – 1990, school groups from the Mallee area in Victoria were working with the Country Education Partnership (CEP). These schools were sending teams of students across to Murray Bridge to participate in the 24 hour human powered vehicle race there.
The CEP team soon began to dream up an education-led event, held within two hours of Melbourne that featured the Display & Presentation, Design & Construction, and Trial components that we have today.
The first Energy Breakthrough was held in 1991 and the rest, as they say, is history!